Keep away from getting into trouble due to the irresponsible use of your previous car. If you don’t own the car any longer inform The South Australian government immediately. Here we discussing Vehicle Licence Cancellation.
Reasons Why You Don’t Own Your Car
- The vehicle has been sold
- Being out of order it has been given to a car wrecker
- The car has been stolen
- Taken away by insurance or another party
For whatever reason, you no longer own your car…it belongs to another! It’s your former car now…..
You must report to the appropriate South Australian government department that you don’t own the car any longer. In this case, report the car to Service SA.
Here you can cancel your registration.
Why is it essential to inform that you no longer own your vehicle?
- The car was caught up in a road accident
- Been part of a criminal act
- Not following transport/road rules
- Judged unfit for the road
If the points listed above are connected to your former car you will be held accountable. This will require you having to make a trip to the government transport institutions, the law enforcement agencies and perhaps the courts. The road to getting cleared here can be hard. Proving your innocence will be complicated, demanding and be an expense on your time and money. It is under no illusion easy explaining up that the car does not belong to you at the time of the offence. In some circumstances you could be charged with being careless with your duty; this can possibly lead to the financial penalty, community service and in the worst-case jail time.
Reasons vehicle licenses are cancelled
- Overdue on payments
- Registration cancel by choice
- The Vehicle has been condemned – by transport authorities
- The Car doesn’t stick to South Australian government road guidelines
Your Vehicle Registration / Licence Cancellation in South Australia
If you’re a registered user of the vehicle you have the power cancel the vehicle registration at any time you wish. If you are transferring ownership you need to inform Registrar of Motor Vehicles at any Service SA customer service centre within 14 days.
What you require to complete registration
- Evidence of Your identity – name of cars registered owner
- Registered car owners address
- Driving licence number or car serial number
- Vehicles documents of registration (if possible)
- Car registration number plates
- Vehicle number plates (If not possible inform)
- Cancelation payment charge
Application for transfer registration –by filling the form you can cancel your car registration in South Australia

Details you need to know to fill the form for Registration / Licence Cancelation
Vehicle Information
- Registration car plate number
- Year of make
- VIN/Chassis number
- Engine number
Seller Information
- Name/business of Seller
- Address
- Date of taking away
- Licence/Customer number
New Owners Details
- Name/business of Purchaser
- Date of birth
- Address
- Licence/Customer number
The details listed above will be required when filling out the Vehicle Registration / Licence Cancellation forms.
If you listen to the above tips provided you can cancel your car registration simply and efficiently. If the car does not belong to you anymore it is vital to cancel registration to prevent yourself from future distress due to the new owner’s reckless use of the vehicle.
Do you need help?
SA Car Removal one of the leading car removals businesses in Adelaide South Australia can give you a hand. We will advise you all you require to know when it comes to getting rid of your car and cancelling your vehicle registration. If you are looking to sell your car removal in Adelaide –we offer some of the top rates in Adelaide. If you need to know more about car registration cancelation in Adelaide or get a free quote for selling your car for cash get in touch with us on 0404 378 940 or via visiting our website.